The Parkdale Youth Space is located at 1499 Queen Street West on the 2nd floor of the PARC (Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre) building. The Parkdale Youth Space was formed as a collaboration between different community organizations for the purpose of providing area youth 13 to 29 years of age with free, accessible, inclusive and empowering programming out of a 'one stop shop' centralized location. St. Christopher House is the lead organization providing staffing, programming and services at the Youth Space which houses the Parkdale Youth Space team, and the Youth HOST team which works with newcomer youth 13-24 years of age. Other great Parkdale based agencies such as Arrabon House, Culture Link, Toronto Public Health, PCIC (Parkdale Community Information Centre) and PLEDC (Parkdale Liberty and Economic Development) utilise the space for programs.The Parkdale Youth Space is funded by the governement of Canada (HRSDC) along with Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) and the United Way.
The Parkdale Youth Space is open Monday to Friday from 10am - 5pm with extended after school hours during specialty programming (Check the calendar for details). We welcome youth drop-in participants and offer internet access, a positive meeting place and a creative environment where youth can gain skills and share their skills with others.
For general information please call (416) 536-1234 ext. 30 or e mail
For youth HOST information please call (416) 536 - 1234 ext.29 or e mail
For general information please call (416) 536-1234 ext. 30 or e mail
For youth HOST information please call (416) 536 - 1234 ext.29 or e mail